Nevertheless, I am not very sure as to how much it is publisised and sought after, here in the GCC. But I do hear that they have their exclusive showrooms in Dubai and Oman.
Whatever it is. I have not seen anybody close to owning a mobile handset, carry one of those Micromaxes’. That’s probably because its all Samsung and Apple here. Still, we thought it was very much possible to find a guy who owned one.
Well, we just had to find him.
The start wasn’t very good for us, as people just shooed us away on hearing the term ‘Micromax’. They probably though I was playing ‘Star Trek’ with them. Still we went on the search, until we found our first. And to be honest, the guy was rather disappointing, because the only thing he told us summing up on his device was that it was “horrible”. We also couldn’t talk back or argue because we had no idea on what the device would be like.
He managed to tell us that his phone kept hanging, and that after a few months it had to be plugged in like a personal computer because the battery was too lazy to hold juice. That’s that, then we thought. But to just shoo away India’s best selling and leading mobile phone maker would just be stupid from our side. So we did a bit of photo searching before we found this.
Also known is that the chips and various electronic components running in the devices are made in China before being put together in India. Again, we can never be too sure on the safety of the devices. Radiation and issues like that seriously plague such materials, and I’m not aware of any work that has gone into creating a safe product for the masses at such low costs. Surely, there has to be a catch. And that’s what gets me.
I am not exactly biased against the company in this article of mine. But all that stupid, worthless and senseless ads on Indian television really had to be addressed. There is no point of winning over audience by simply misusing the media.
Another serious and disturbing fact is that, this company has made it mainstream over a span of just 3-4 years.
Now there’s no point of continuing. But we at are sure that a lot more work will be done in the years to come, but for that like any Indian company will require a lot of reforms. Well, lets give them the start. Go buy Nokia’s and Samsung’s.
Well, If you have something to say on how ‘GREAT’ your Micromax phone is, just leave us a confidential message here…